30. September 2013

Hello, Fall!  You are looking lovlier than ever :)  A sunny picnic for the baby on a crisp autumn day in her new fall jacket?  Don't mind if I do.
I love sewing with my line of fabrics from Robert Kaufman's Cool Cords collection.  They are so soft and snuggly and the colors just pop! Between her jacket and the picnic blanket Luna is looking here like Miss Cool Cords herself.

16. September 2013

Despite moments of doubt, I can finally say that my 2014 Calendar under my stationery label Rae Schmae is finished!  I thought I was finished yesterday, so I had Diemo (my 6 year old) give it a once over.  He approved of every month except January.  Actually, January literally brought him to tears since it was a picture of a girl and January is his birthday month.  So we discussed doing a boy.  I drew it out and he approved but I wasn't loving it.  So therein was born our compromise which is now one of my fave months - the winter racoon :)

Preorder your copy here and save!  The price WILL be going up by 15% in 2 weeks once delivery starts :)  

13. September 2013

We are getting ready to move into a house that, dare I say, is a dream house!  Especially since we have definately outgrown the apartment we are in now.  And obviously, the most fun part of the move is trolling Pinterest for decor ideas and cute organization projects and then executing them.  I'm just so motivated and can't be stopped!  I still haven't figured out how I am going to incorporate ironing fabric onto the walls yet, but I know its going to happen.  Until then, here is some wall art I recently created...still not sure which room it will go it but I love how the girls came out :)

3. September 2013

I have to say, it is strangely validating when your 6 year old decides that what you do for work is cool enough that they want to do it too.  So today I am sharing my dinosaur fabric print as well as Diemo's :)  
His is entitled "Super Dinosaur Picture"
I love it!

2. September 2013

Do you ever wake up on a Sunday morning and think, "Despite the million things I have to do, I'm going to spend all day sewing plushies."  I don't either, but somehow it happened anyways.  And I totally blame it on this super cute and wicked easy tutorial from Christina McKinney on the Birch Fabrics Blog.  I decided to make my elephant school-themed for my son who starts first grade on Thursday, using fabrics from my Robotic collection.
I also made a bunny plushie from a pattern of my own design, which will have to be shown another day since my son decided to give it a bath and it still soaking wet!  I am really on a plushie kick, but I still think the next tutorial is going to have to be this one - cute organization!